Corporate Wellness

Enable people to lead a balanced and harmonious life

Factors that influence mental Health

Psychological Factors

  • Child hood experiences, beliefs, mindsets has an impact
  • Inability to cope with emotional situations, inherent fears and desires
  • Low self-esteem and self-image resulting in confidence and self-acceptance issues
  • Lacking clarity in terms of what they want in life and what they enjoy doing
  • Genetic factors may have an influence on the mental health of individuals


Work Place Factors

  • Poor working environments including excessive workloads, work hours, low job control and job insecurity
  • Lack of adequate training and support resources to perform their roles.
  • Lack of alignment of individual capability and organizational expectations clubbed with inability to express themselves
  • Lack of alignment of individual capability and organizational expectations clubbed with inability to express themselves
  • Lack of awareness about mental health among management resulting in unfair treatment
  • Interpersonal conflicts with supervisors and other team members

External Factors

  • The economic factors and a feeling of not being financially stable or secure can increase stress, anxiety
  • The societal system, discrimination and the pressure imposed on the individual can result in stress, frustration, depression
  • The physical health condition along with the age/phase of life of the individual can result in uncertainty
  • Relationship issues, loss, and other significant life events may impact the mental health of the individual resulting in grief, sadness, loneliness.

Factors that influence mental Health

Organizational Context

  • Organizational Philosophy
  • Higher demand for performance
  • Interpersonal conflicts (with supervisor)

Individual Context

  • Personal life challenges
  • Capability limitations
  • Socio-Economic factors

How Organization can Support


Awareness sessions to remove stigma


Psychologically safe culture for people to open up


Promote diversity and Inclusion practices


Rollout suitable Managerial programs


Conduct Engagement and recognition activities

How the Program Works


Meeting with senior management to align program to context through an Annual Retainer approach


Conduct monthly workshops or engagement activities to work on their mindsets and develop their life skills


Employees send a mail for 1-1 session appointments and for specialist consultations


Employees can join online yoga pilates program


Reports on how many availed services will be shared. Details of sessions are confidential


Upcoming Workshop: Rediscover, Reframe, Reignite